Healthcare Report Card: Companies That Failed To Meet Expectations In 2020
From Big Tech to Big Pharma, America’s corporate superpowers have done very well during the coronavirus pandemic. Meaning, they’ve prospered. However, not many made a significant difference in the overall health of patients or did much to improve healthcare in 2020.
The first article in this series, which originally appeared on, featured the industries and businesses that exceeded even our wildest healthcare expectations last year. They earned top marks for taking big risks while confronting the year’s most pressing medical challenges.
Now, part two looks at companies that failed to live up to their healthcare potential this past year. Though they didn’t “flunk out,” they made little or no meaningful impact. Had their products, services or efforts not existed in 2020, few if any patients or doctors would have noticed.
Category: Cross-Boundary Disruptors
At the Stanford Graduate School of Business, I co-teach a strategy class with Robert Burgelman, which examines “cross-boundary disruption.” That is the process by which a company that dominates in one industry enters another, displacing the incumbent leaders.
Corporate giants like Amazon, Apple and Walmart could have played this role in the healthcare sector last year. Instead of using their advanced technology systems and massive market caps to transform American medicine in 2020, they all took baby steps.
Amazon (grade: C-)
Wall Street analysists often attribute Amazon’s success to its extreme tolerance for failure. Be it drone deliveries or the Fire phone, CEO Jeff Bezos seems unbothered by big mistakes. That’s what made the company’s timid 2020 healthcare efforts so perplexing.
Two years after Amazon bought the online pharmacy PillPack for $753 million, it introduced Amazon Pharmacy, yet another online drugstore, indistinguishable from industry peers. Also two years ago, Amazon joined JPMorgan Chase and Berkshire Hathaway to launch a nonprofit healthcare venture that would later be dubbed Haven. Healthcare observers had high hopes for this venture. The union could have radically altered how medical care is delivered. Yet, Haven’s biggest announcements in 2020 involved the stepping down of its visionary CEO, Atul Gawande, and the loss of several more executives.
It’s one thing to fail spectacularly. It’s another — and far more disappointing — thing to fail by not taking risks. 2020 would have been the optimal time for Haven to (a) contract with hospitals and physicians in innovative ways, (b) move healthcare to a more cost-effective prepaid model and © double down on creative uses of consumer technologies in healthcare.
Neither Haven nor Amazon Pharmacy has signaled an intent to make one of these massive moves in 2021. Amazon’s executives may opt to shift directions, bringing about a seismic shift in the healthcare industry. Or they might continue to tolerate mediocrity without taking risks.
Apple (grade: C)
Every year seems to end with an article declaring that Apple is poised to “win big” in healthcare. While the disruptive company from Cupertino keeps reporting tens of millions in quarterly earnings — selling lots of phones and watches with health-inspired apps — it’s worth asking: When will Apple make a product capable of saving tens of thousands or even millions of lives?
It didn’t happen in 2020. In response to the coronavirus pandemic, Apple introduced a contact tracing app that did little more than drum up public health concerns over privacy and practicality. Apple also continued to hype its Heart Rate app, a tool to help Apple Watch users detect irregular heart rhythms. But two years after its launch, the app remains besieged by technical issues. A Cleveland Clinic study found that the Watch picked up only 41% of AFib occurrences in hospitalized patients.
In healthcare, the most precious technologies are those designed to improve the health of the 150 million Americans living with chronic diseases, a group that accounts for 81% of hospital admissions and $1.7 trillion in annual medical costs. Among this population, the most valuable information a digital-health product could provide is the answer to this question: Am I doing well or do I need some sort of immediate medical attention?
The vast majority of patients with Afib already know they have it. As such, Apple’s heart rate notifications prove mostly pointless. What people with Afib don’t know is whether their medications and doses need to be changed. Likewise, patients with diabetes know their blood-sugar readings. What they need is help deciding whether to alter their insulin doses. It currently takes a routine trip to the doctor’s office to find out. But it doesn’t have to be this way.
Apple has the technical knowhow, the AI expertise, and the physician-created algorithms to make chronic disease management a continuous, at-home thing rather than an intermittent, at-the-doctor’s-office thing. But the company offers no such device — not because they’re incapable but because they’re unwilling to assume the medical liability (risk) involved.
Walmart (grade: C+)
This year, the world’s largest company touted the opening of primary care walk-in clinics in select stores/states, as well as a partnership with Oak Street Health in three of its supercenters. Adding clinics to its retail pharmacies puts Walmart in direct competition with Walgreens and CVS, but it doesn’t begin to address U.S. healthcare’s most pressing problems.
In 2020, Walmart could have leveraged its size, IT systems and thousands of locations to become a worldwide leader in telemedicine. At present, its partnership with Doctors on Demand (in Colorado, Minnesota and Wisconsin) is but a toe-dip into the waters of more efficient and effective healthcare delivery. Its reluctance to lead raises a worthwhile question: Does Walmart really want to transform healthcare or does it just want to bring more customers into its stores?
Disruptive innovations focus on where an industry is going or should go, not where it is or has been — a lesson Walmart should take from the victims of disruptions past. For example, in 1975, a 24-year-old engineer invented digital photography and, in 1989, he designed the first DSLR camera, both while working at Kodak. The company suppressed both innovations, not wanting to lose revenue from film sales, its biggest profit generator. It was a mistake. Kodak filed for bankruptcy in 2012.
Walmart’s retail clinics are set up to treat many of the problems that could be conveniently and cost-effectively handled through telemedicine. Rather than forcing patients to wait in line at stores for the next available doctor or nurse practitioner, the company could instantly connect people to any available provider throughout the United States. Though a Walmart-owned telemedicine solution would allow customers to bypass the big-box experience altogether, the company faces a far bigger risk than the short-term loss of foot traffic. That bigger threat is letting competitors lead the telehealth revolution.
Compared to Amazon and Apple, Walmart notches a slightly higher grade in recognition of its effort to make healthcare more accessible and less expensive for patients, even if marginally so. Walmart has the potential to be a vertically integrated healthcare superpower, offering affordable insurance coverage and convenient care delivery. If it does, Walmart could be 2021’s biggest healthcare disruptor.
Category: Drug-Therapy Opportunists
At the start of the pandemic, health experts hoped drug makers could fill an immediate hole: infected patients needed a safe treatment to minimize the severity of Covid-19. Though these medications weren’t expected to eradicate the virus, the hope was that new drugs or repurposed established ones could reduce the impact of the disease, giving physicians a better chance to save lives in the hospital.
In 2020, two pharmaceutical companies claimed to have the answer, aggressively promoting their expensive drugs for use in patients with Covid-19. In both cases, they failed to assess the efficacy of their medications against this coronavirus as thoroughly as they should have before broadly encouraging their use. Then they failed to alert the public when independent research found no significant reduction in Covid-19 mortality from clinical administration. The relatively poor grades reflect an industry that relies increasingly on PR and advertising rather than on groundbreaking R&D.
Gilead (Grade C- )
Gilead’s pricy and heavily hyped drug, Remdesivir, was first developed in 2016, years before the novel coronavirus pandemic. It works to inhibit viral replication. And though it showed promise in clinical trials, it failed to lower mortality when used against diseases like Ebola.
Despite its past failures, the company, along with government officials, were optimistic that the drug would help save the lives of patients with of Covid-19. However, the company never demonstrated this outcome in a controlled, national research study. Given the drug’s shortage, a large, double-blind randomized trial would have been an ethical and prudent step, similar to the volunteer testing that vaccine manufacturers performed as part of phase three testing.
Although Remdesivir shortened the hospitalization time for people with severe Covid-19 infections, it didn’t improve patients’ chances of surviving. As a result, the World Health Organization recommended against its use. Still, Gilead continued to tout the efficacy of the drug and never mentioned that it failed to make a statistical difference on the likelihood of death.
Regeneron Pharmaceuticals (Grade C-)
Regeneron is a monoclonal antibody medication that its eponymous creator promoted for its ability to reduce viral load in laboratory experiments. The drug received emergency use authorization from the FDA in November and was recommended for patients with mild to moderate disease, unlike Remdesivir, which was approved only for the sickest of the sick.
Similar to Gilead, Regeneron hyped the drug through press releases, rather than peer reviewed, scientific publications. And, like Remdesivir, it turned out that Regeneron also failed to reduce mortality. Lacking any evidence to demonstrate the drug’s effectiveness, few doctors have prescribed the treatment (though there was a brief flurry of interest when the U.S. president took it and touted the drug as a “cure”).
Moncef Slaoui, leader of the government’s vaccine-development process called “Operation Warp Speed,” spoke out in December, labelling the use of monoclonal antibodies like this one “disappointing.” The Infectious Diseases Society of America continues to suggest against the routine use of this and similar neutralizing antibodies.
Although clinicians are desperate for drugs to help battle this viral pandemic, only 20% of the available Regeneron in the United States has been given to patients so far, a reflection of physician skepticism about its value.
Developing or identifying a medication that would make a real difference against Covid-19 was a longshot. Therefore, I don’t criticize or downgrade the pharmaceutical industry for failing to find a drug to treat this disease. These two companies received low grades for failing to pursue comprehensive and rigorous testing, and for not fully educating the public when they discovered the drugs’ minimal clinical impact.
As 2021 begins, only one drug has succeeded in reducing mortality from Covid-19. It is an inexpensive steroid called dexamethasone. In appropriately selected patients, the treatment decreases mortality by one-third and yet, ironically, the public has heard little about its success. In the pharmaceutical industry, there’s little financial return on low-cost treatments and, therefore, little incentive to promote them.
Abraham Lincoln once said, “Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.” The drug industry had the power in 2020 to bolster its reputation as a reliable, honest and comprehensive source of information for patients. The vaccine makers succeeded in this task. The pharmaceutical companies touting Remdesivir and Regeneron didn’t.